Monday, 31 January 2011

When angry, count four; when very angry, swear.

I'm really rather angry at someone at the moment.
They should know who they are and why.

Rant over.

I want to share something with you. The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number one: Cover for me. Number two: Oh, good idea, boss! Number three: It was like that when I got here!

I could be a millionaire if I had the money
I could own a mansion, no I don't think I'd like that
But I might write a song that makes you laugh, now that would be funny
And you could tell your friends you'd like that
And a line or two on paper wouldn't go amiss
I miss you, I really do.
I've been reading Browning, Keats and William Wordsworth
And they all seem to be saying the same thing for me
Well I like the words they use, and I like the way they use them
You know, Home Thoughts From Abroad is such a beautiful poem
And I know how Robert Browning must have felt
'Cause I'm feeling the same way about you
Wondering what you're doing and if you need some help
Do I still occupy your mind? Am I being so unkind?
Classic Lyrics!!!!

Which is the only song to enter the UK top 40 with the word 'Euphonium' in it?

Missing someone is an awful feeling.
It's the worst feeling I can have anyway. For the reason I can't do anything about it.
Jealousy, I can try harder to achieve what I'm jealous of.
Unrequited love is nearly as bad but you can look around and try to find someone else to like.
Fear, you can face it or learn to live with it.
Angst, you know it will end soon, I'm usually feeling angst on a short-term basis.
Guilt, grief, embarrassment and disappointment can be eventually forgotten.

Missing someone is something I can't forget. I kind of wear it as an invisible badge on my sleeve, I know it's there, try to ignore it, but it's at the back of my mind occasionally jabbing me to remind me there is someone not there.

It can be (obviously not always) my first thought in the morning and last at night.

And yes, I am missing someone an awful lot at the moment.

Plus, I do still like the previously mentioned (unnamed, female!) person.

No idea what to do in that situation, it's a bit of an icky mess as it goes...

Friday, 28 January 2011

'To Start Press Any Key'. Where's the ANY key?

"Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason, wit, or sense."

I'm really not sure which I lack, I think it's probably sense.

Whatever reason we choose to excuse our silly slip ups, we will all make at least one blundering blooper in our lifetime. I will prefer to make mine when no one else is around because I firmly believe what others don’t know won’t hurt me.

I may be daft but not this daft...

"The lawyer of Henry Smith had to admit to the courts that his client was not a very smart person. Moments after Henry arrived home with a stolen stereo, the police were at his door to arrest him. He was easy to track… he had his name tattooed in large letters on his forehead."

See, I knew there was a reason obvious tattoo's are silly.

I've made quite a few blunders in the past, mainly due to the absolute FACT I can't see what it is when someone is hinting at something.

Ah well eh...

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Either I'm concussed, or I'm watching Patrick Moore fistfighting with an extraterrestrial.

Everybody has days like this.
I wake up, far too early, my alarm sounds and it gets thrown to the floor. I always forget...
The alarm clock cannot defend itself...

I go to work, occasionally feel a bit forgotten, but try hard.
Try to be positive, practical and profitable.
It works, I have a rather good day. Tell myself to always remember...
The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply.

Go home, watch tv that is basically chewing gum for the eyes.

Develop a scarily painful migraine, retire to bed.

Words are paper roses and magazine cover skies...

Endure the harrowing feeling something is missing...

It's definately not religion...

Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.

Just my opinion.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Politics is the art of postponing decisions until they are no longer relevant

A Conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.

When a nation's young men are Conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.

A Tory view of Liverpool...

 "the mawkish sentimentality of a society that has become hooked on grief and likes to wallow in a sense of vicarious victimhood"

"A combination of economic misfortune ­ its docks were, fundamentally, on the wrong side of England when Britain entered what is now the European Union ­ and an excessive predilection for welfarism have created a peculiar, and deeply unattractive, psyche among many Liverpudlians. "They ... see themselves, whenever possible as victims, and resent their victim status, yet at the same time they wallow in it.
"Part of this flawed psychological state is that they cannot accept that they might have made any contribution to their misfortunes, but seek rather to blame someone else for it, thereby deepening their sense of shared tribal grievance against the rest of society."

Why Liverpool is great...

"Liverpool oozes culture and heritage. The city has a glorious past as a mercantile hub and gateway to the New World, but today it is also a key destination for art lovers, fans of the theatre and museumgoers.
But the city has numerous permanent art attractions too. Visit the Walker Art Gallery, the national gallery of the North, including works by Hockney, Degas, Turner and Rembrandt, all of which are housed on the first floor."

The World Heritage Site officially stretches from Albert Dock, which alone has the largest collection of Grade I listed buildings in the UK, along The Pier Head and up to Stanley Dock.

And that's the tip of the iceberg.

Another Reason I dislike a Conservative party that tried their hardest to destroy the area I'm from. I can't and won't forget this.

Friday, 21 January 2011

A late night thought...

Who actually knows the real me?
Who have I let?
Who has tried?


Fortune and love favor the brave.

Love is being stupid together.
Paul Valery

Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Anyone who can walk to the welfare office can walk to work.
Al Capp
Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.
Thomas A. Edison
A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.
Elbert Hubbard
A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.
Leo Buscaglia
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
John Lennon


"I want my love, my joy, my laugh, my smile, my needs
Not in the star signs
Or the palm that she reads
I want my sun-drenched, wind-swept Ingrid Bergman kiss
Not in the next life
I want it in this"

Is this an unreal ideal in the society that we live in?
I hope not, this is one of those things in life that I cling to. One day I want to stand on the bridge over the Seine, in the sunshine, watching the world go by with someone that wants to be there with me. I guess I'm not looking for a lover, more a soulmate. Yes, I have the animalistic tendancies that all humans have but, fun, adventure and the 'L' word take precedence for me.
I work hard (although some people may not agree) all week, so why can't I find someone that wants to share the opportunities for fun and adventure those two days off present?
I'm making this sound like I'm desperate aren't I? Well I'm not.

Cola and nicotine...

Not healthy I know but my staple diet...

"Nicotine addiction has historically been one of the hardest addictions to break, while the pharmacological and behavioral characteristics that determine tobacco addiction are similar to those that determine addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine."

Would I quit?
The short answer is yes. I just haven't found a suitable reason. I enjoy a cigarette or rarely a cigar. Nobody or anything has actually ever given me a suitable or good enough reason to stop. Yes I know the health implications and the cost. As for the health implications, I look at it thus... It's my body and if I choose to abuse it like that I will. I smoke outside, away from non-smokers so I'm not harming them, why does society treat smokers like second class citizens?
I don't drink alcohol much or often, don't gamble, do work, I'm not violent, a serious politcal activist, detest all forms of terrorism or insurgency, follow no particular religion or teaching, try to be a decent human being (usually failing, but trying) and a part of my local community, so what harm am I doing??

Rant over.

Oh yeah, was told I could go deaf today...

Saturday, 15 January 2011

440 miles

How do you miss someone you only saw a few hours ago?
I do, it was worth driving 440 miles just to spend that time with my Best Friend.
See, I can be a softy!

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Time for Quotes...

Put all thine eggs in one basket and - watch that basket.
- Mark Twain
If you aren't rich, you should always look useful.
- Louis-Ferdinand Celine
'Be yourself!' is about the worst advice you can give to some people.
- Tom Masson
What you don't see with your eyes, don't invent with your tongue.
- Jewish proverb
We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
You know what happened to the real Trigger don't you? Roy Rogers had him stuffed.
- Derek Trotter
All men, even the most surly are influenced by affection.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

This may suprise you...

I have feelings!
Yes, this may come as a complete shock to those that know me because I do tend to hide them quite well in most circumstances.
I also know that being male, we aren't really supposed to express these really. But risking being called "soft", "Poof" or any other vague slight on my masculinity, doesn't really bother me. I can, if the need arises be really quite 'masculine' and a blokey bloke. It's just that I am a bit of a three dimensional character really. 
I try (usually failing) to be a gentleman. I open doors for ladies, walk on the road side of the pavement, pay for meals, pull out chairs and if I used the bus, I'd give up my seat. Just silly little things really. But in today's modern society that does seem to make me a bit of an oddity, stuck in a bygone age. Maybe if I swore at women, blew smoke in their face and made them pay for stuff all the time while insulting their looks, or ignoring them, maybe I wouldn't be single? There is an opinion eh?  
Having feelings isn't just about that dreaded 'L' word (love). Respect, admiration, trust,and on the flip side, egregiousness, dislike and mistrust are just as valid emotions. Not forgetting jealousy and detachment of course to throw into that swirling mix!

I have a friend that I admire. Not in a romantic sense (because it's a man and I don't swing that way). He has overcome adversity that I'm not sure that I could have. Since I've known him the change he has created in himself is remarkable, and this is what sparks admiration and respect from me. Not that me respecting him means anything in the grand old scheme of things it just inspires me to attempt to be a better person. And that is a compliment that I don't throw at many people at all. A hearty "well done mate" and a pint doesn't always express the fact that I seriously admire the effort he has put in and I just hope that in some tiny, minuscule way, I helped him along that journey.

"Sometimes I wonder what you think of me or if you do at all."

As I said in an earlier post, I am (unusually for me) holding a torch for someone at the moment. I wont embarrass this person by naming them or even alluding to who they may be. Suffice to say, I'm pretty sure that they don't know and if they did, would have already said their "thanks but no thanks" piece. Me dating her would be the equivalent of Shane MacGowan asking Hayden Panettiere on a date. "Err, nooo".
I do quite consider myself to be unlucky in the love stakes. Ladies have come and gone (not nearly enough of them if you ask me!) but I've never found THE ONE. I do believe that there is a perfect person out there for everyone. We may not all meet them and in cases settle for "almost perfect" for many reasons and be happy and fulfilled in life. This is no bad thing at all. I once, a couple of years ago, thought that I had met THE ONE but, due to timing and the fact I look a bit like a pink Shrek, chose someone else. Woah, now that is one disappointment that hurt! So, if you are interested, and female, drop me a Line?
My first personal ad, or was that a plea? I'll leave you to decide that one.

"It's not telling you how I feel that scares me, it's what you'll say back."

I hate being ignored. I know you probably feel the same way, but it really does gnaw at me a little when people ignore me. There is someone that is ignoring me at present and it is really irritating me because I had hoped that it was the one person in the world that wouldn't ignore me. They seem to find it easy to make time for other people but not me. This isn't a woe is me tale, it's actually a bit of a rant. As you have probably guessed it has made me rather angry. And what will Kris do about it? Precisely what I always do when this happens, stew in my own anger for a while, and then when this person deigns that I may have a few minutes of their time, I'll run like the daft, devoted, puppy-dog I am. So no sympathy thanks!

"My wish upon this shooting star is that your heart be happy."

To close this post I'll end with the thought that someone, once close to me, shared with me-
"Kris, you are only happy when you are making other people happy, can't you be a bit more selfish? What do YOU want?"

A bad way to live?

I just want the chance to make someone happy.