Sunday, 13 March 2011

Better mad with the rest of the world than wise alone.

Here are 10 Signs The World Has Gone Mad:

1. Weak Government Leaders

The destruction of any organization begins with leaders who lack moral authority. Government leaders around the world are faltering. Riots, revolutions and civil war abound. This is the biggest sign the world has gone mad.

2. Global Financial Crises 

The constant cycle of overspending, overtaxing, and over exhausting resources has global markets and citizens of many countries nearing collapse. This is most certainly another sign the world has gone mad.

3. Lackadaisical Morals

Humans today are generally pretty lax in terms of morality and value systems. People across the globe have adopted an "anything goes" attitude where more restrictive, rigorous morals once stood testament to traditional behaviour. The trend to turn away from the proverbial moral high ground is running like wildfire across the media, political arenas, and even in personal relations. This only further proves the world has gone mad.

4. Education

Parents today are self absorbed, dumb, and getting dumber. Unfortunately, kids today can only be as good as their parents. Thanks to funding issues, lack of resources, and general lack of direction, many brilliant minds are neglected, literally laying to waste. Despite multiple attempts to harness education and provide a uniform standard of learning, kids today don't have access to or derive the knowledge necessary from schools to succeed in building solid educational foundations.

5. Debt/Fiscal Irresponsibility

The world's biggest, wealthiest countries contribute to the $4,40,730,237,181,082 dollars (and rising) of global public debt with the number increasing substantially every second. In recent years, debt across the globe has risen faster than the economic output. Economists predict higher taxes may assist in decreasing global public debt. The trickle down effects of troubled economies, unemployment, and other financial issues only add to the already over-extended denizens of Earth.

6. Aging Populations

People are living longer than ever but that doesn't mean they are living better. As people age, their financial resources dwindle and their bodies fall apart, taking a massive toll on employment options, health care, education, families, and technology in developed countries. Governments lack the medical and financial resources to care for the elderly. Increased longevity only adds to health care expenses, pension programs are largely unsustainable and inadequate, and often governmental educational expenditures are cut to compensate for deficit funding.

7. Waste

Waste is everywhere, polluting the earth, contaminating aquifers, and destroying life on Earth. The more things that people have, the more they throw away. Waste is the byproduct of technology and people's discarded consumerism. With construction, commercial, industrial, medical, radioactive and hazardous waste accumulating at perhaps rapid speed.

8. Failing International Relations

Global relations between countries have never been worse than they are today. Weakened economies and inept leaders only further the divide between countries who were once strongly aligned and united in alliance. International trade, globalization, international activities, and strategies to promote cooperation are fast dissolving as governments place national interests above foreign policy. The resulting havoc from failing international relations are most prevalent in industry, agriculture, and even the quality of life.

9. Rise Of Celebrities

Poll any typical teenager today and they can more easily identify Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga faster than they recognize Mother Theresa. The rise of tabloids, the paparazzi, and gossip columns across the globe have sucked in the masses at a tremendous profit and at the expense of privacy and intelligence. It seems the public prefers trivial information about the latest A-lister's footwear or arm candy, over the cold, hard truth of the happenings in the world...just another sign the world has gone mad.

10. Food Crisis

Population increases, decreased crop production, urbanization, natural disasters, and surging food prices threaten a looming food shortage. Global food distribution is uneven and based upon wealth with experts predicting 33 nations could potentially face conflict and social unrest with global fallout. Additionally, as population increases, uneven land distribution further contributes to the threat of a food crisis. And worst of all, the over-processed foods consumed by many people are not remotely healthy.

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